Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Couple Days of School

The first day of school and today went fantastic!  I'm excited to have such a talented group of Kindergarteners.  Each family has done a wonderful job of instilling great values into my students. 

 I'm working putting the binders together and organized. Hopefully by Monday... they will be done!

The following are the highlights from the 1st and 2nd days! :)

1. Each child has a number for cubbies and line up order.
2. We played in the kitchen, library, computer, Playdoh, blocks centers.
3. We had snack two times.
4. We've talked about everybody having a classroom job. I've already explained jobs, so some kids have a job while others are eagerly waiting to have a classroom job. So far, we have a Pencil Chief, Sanitary Inspector, Attendance Helper, Teacher Assistant, and a Chair Monitor. (Each child will have a job hopefully before FRIDAY!)
5. We've read the following books The Kissing Hand, Chrysanthemum, The Giving Tree, and First Day Jitters.
6. I introduced Pencil Pal. We wrote our name for our Time Capsule... :)  (They all did wonderfully!)
7. We went to PE and today we watched a Magic School Bus Movie today because it was rainy.
8. We talked about our Behavior Tree and color changes. (See handouts from Open House or check website.)
9. We talked about the Rules and we are trying to follow each rule. :)
10.We talked about bathroom procedures. The importance of keeping the bathroom tidy and remembering to wash our hands.
11. We made new friends.
12. We've sang songs.  Our favorites are the Macarena Math, The Monkeys and the Alligator and the Banana Song. :)
13. We all enjoyed a trip to the treasure box!

 It's going to be FUN year!  Pictures to come!

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